When I was in my 20s and 30s, I used to argue with people about everything. If anybody said something that I thought was wrong, I would feel that it was my duty to correct them.  

At times I got carried away, dug in my heels, and expressed myself quite harshly. I often behaved like what you would call a "religious zealot." 

Then, in 1989, there was a serious situation that I had to deal with and something happened that changed me. I was living in Sweden at the time.  

Pastor John Osteen called me and gave me his input and advice about a particular situation. He said to me, "Brother Christopher, I have learnt this one thing: life is short. We don't have to fight with people about everything. We should stay out of things that can breed strife and arguments and just walk in love towards everybody. That is always the best way to go in life." 

That was the way Pastor Osteen was. Dad Hagin and Pastor Billy-Joe Daugherty were also the same way. 

Pastor Osteen's words had a profound impact on me, and I decided that day that this is the way that I want to be. It is always good to have such role models to emulate in not only their faith and their ministry, but also in how they live their lives and treat others. 

Since that day I have done my best to stay out of confrontational religious and political debates. 

It is better to make friends, even with people whose views may differ from mine. As my friend Pastor John Bongiorno said, "let us just stay sweet, no matter what." 

It is better to keep our friendships warm and sweet than to have wounded relationships with friends over matters that have no eternal significance. The only time I will stand up and speak up is when there are blatant heresies that clearly affect the eternal destinies of sinners. Other than that, I will only point to Jesus and His Cross and preach the Gospel. 

Originally posted on Facebook by Pastor Christopher Alam 




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