Many years ago I held a Gospel Crusade at the BAT ground football stadium in Blantyre, Malawi. On the last night there was a man at the back of the crowd who was born paralyzed and used to crawl on the ground on his elbows and his knees. He was a beggar and had never walked his entire life. As I preached the Gospel and afterward prayed a mass prayer over the sick, the power of God touched this man, and he jumped up and began to run. The crowd went crazy and the man ran straight out of the football stadium with thousands of people shouting and running after him.

 The word of this miracle, and of other miracles that the Lord had done during that week, of the paralyzed walking, the blind seeing, and the deaf hearing, spread like wildfire.

 Our Crusade ended that night and I left town the next morning, but the next evening thousands of people showed up at the football stadium and amazing miracles happened. I was not there, and there was no service, but people streamed to the stadium from far away. I was told that as the people set foot on the field they were healed. Paralyzed people were getting up and walking, blind eyes were seeing, and amazing miracles took place for an entire week.

 For seven days after the crusade was over, people came from places far away carrying their sick and the infirm, and the Lord responded to their faith and healed people in large numbers.

 How can this be? I believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ, when preached under the anointing of the Holy Ghost, is the most powerful thing in this universe. It is so powerful that it even has the power to permeate and saturate the very soil on which it is preached. So powerful that long after the preacher is gone, God can still do His miracles on that soil as people come there full of faith and with expectant hearts.

 That is why, my friends, the preaching of the Gospel is so important. Do not water down the FULL Gospel. The Bible clearly tells us that Jesus Christ has borne upon His own self all the sins and all the diseases of mankind, and that that He has destroyed all the works of Satan. He has commissioned us to go into all the world and to preach this victorious, triumphant Gospel of the Cross and the Blood of Jesus.

 1 Corinthians 1:22 says, "It pleased God by the ‘foolishness of preaching’ to save them that believe." Yes, our message is indeed "foolish" to the religious intellectuals and to the scoffers of the world, but we know that it is in this very "foolishness" that the power of God is found!

 These days there are many ways to get the Gospel out to the lost. There is the internet, there is radio, and there is television, but there is nothing like men and women whose hearts are ablaze with the love and the power of God, who stand before sinners face-to-face and preach Christ crucified as the only hope of salvation available to man.

 It is this message of Christ crucified that brings down the power of God. We must preach the cross, we must preach the blood, we must preach Jesus Christ. It is our duty, it is our mandate to do so, for in this message rests the only hope for a lost and dying humankind.

 The greatest miracles that I have ever seen in my ministry have happened when I have preached the Cross of Jesus, and I have preached it with all the fire and passion in my heart. Passionate hearts on fire preaching the cross, THAT is the secret.

 Rom 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”

 Adapted from a Facebook post written by Pastor Christopher Alam


September Newsletter
