We should NEVER lose our holy reverence for God, or what the Bible calls "The fear of the Lord". Yes, because of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, we cry out to Him with the cry of closeness and intimacy... "Abba" or "Daddy". At the same time never forget that He is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and that we are created beings. We may be seated at the right hand of the Father but that is totally because of His grace that He has extended and bestowed upon us. We have been washed in the Blood of Jesus, made righteous, holy and blameless - and we stand and walk in these things only because our lives are hidden in Christ, because of His grace alone.

But still ........

"Drawing close" to the Lord and the privilege of intimacy and fellowship with God should never diminish the awe that we have about who HE is. Seeing miracles and healings shouldn't bring about a "spirit of lightness", as I see many who use the mighty works of God for showmanship, flamboyance, and to draw attention to the flesh of man.

We should never open the door to a spirit of "lightness" when it comes to the Lord, His Holy Spirit and His gifts. We should never enter into the wrong kind of familiarity in which we lose sight of the holiness of God, and the fact that He is the almighty, the creator of all things, and that all creation bows before Him and worships Him.

So when we enter into His presence, we should remember that we tread on Holy ground, and that mortal men like us, even though we are His very own, should approach Him on our knees, and prostrate ourselves before Him in most humble worship at His feet.

These are things that I have learnt over the years from older, wise, and powerful men of God who have walked with Him. I have learnt that it takes wisdom, sober-mindedness and maturity to understand and to walk in the things of God. May we all mature and grow up in Christ in all things. It is a lifelong journey of faith and learning.

Originally posted on Facebook by Pastor Christopher Alam


