I left home at 13, took part in a bloody war, spent almost a year in prison for preaching the Gospel, was arrested in 2 countries, and had a "shoot to kill" order issued against me. I know what it is like to have no money and to literally pray and ask God for every meal. I have been a homeless refugee, have had to immigrate twice, lost all my friends, had very little money, and had to learn new languages to move forward in life.

So know this: life is not always easy, troubles may come our way; but OUR GOD IS ALWAYS A GOOD GOD!

We are imperfect creatures living in a fallen world, and we face hardships and difficulties. BUT OUR GOD IS A GOOD GOD! He is always faithful and true. His Word is always true and perfect. Our Lord Jesus is seated upon the throne at the right hand of the Father. We have the Holy Spirit living inside us. We preach a perfect and powerful Gospel. Every test serves to make us stronger because our trust is in a mighty God.

Look at me my friends. I am living evidence that our God is good, faithful, and true. If He has carried me, He will surely carry you too. 

So don't throw in the towel, don't give up because you face troubles. Trust in Jesus and His Word, because you are destined to win!

"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us". Romans 8:37




February Newsletter