God does not just flip over a page on a calendar and declare "This is a New Year".

Just think of it: There are 40 different man-made calendars in use in the world today .... Jewish, Chinese, Persian, Hijri, Hindu, Mayan, Julian, Gregorian etc to name just a few. They each have their own "New Year’s Day". Which one does God use?

God is the Great "I AM". He is without beginning and without end. With Him one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is one day.

We are mortal humans bound by time, but God transcends time. When we are born again, we receive the life and the nature of God, and we become sons of God. We also step into eternal life where we live with Jesus forever.

"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name" 1 Jn 1:12

When we live in this wonderful life of God, our destiny is no longer determined by the pages of the Gregorian calendar that most nations follow nowadays, because God is not bound by it in any way. The anointing of the Holy Spirit does not change by the flip of the page of a calendar.

Our destiny is determined by the Word of God, by His purpose for our life as revealed by the Holy Spirit, and by our faith in His Word. That is when we begin to walk with a perspective of eternity, and in our spirit lay hold of things that we do not yet see as visible in our earthly time, but we see them in the dimension of eternity. We then lay hold of them, possess them by faith, and thank God for them. THAT is how faith works!

We are in 2023 on the Gregorian calendar, and if you notice things are still the same as they were a few days ago in 2022. Our God however is still working. His Word "See I make all things new" is still at work today and every single day. Wherever the Gospel being is preached, lives are still being changed, the sick are being healed, and people are being set free. The Gospel has not changed and is still as powerful in 2023 as it was in 2022. Our Lord Jesus also remains the same and has not changed.

Talking about years and dates, Jesus declared in the Gospel of Mark chapter 4 that in Him God's year of Jubilee was fulfilled that day when He stood and proclaimed in the synagogue in Nazareth "TODAY is this Scripture fulfilled in your ears!". So you and I are now living in that blessed year of Jubilee. Some people are still waiting for the Jubilee, but I have good news. The Jubilee is not a date on the Jewish Calendar, but JESUS is our Jubilee, and He is here!

The Jubilee is God's Year for us, so now we by faith can take full possession of our Blood-bought inheritance of salvation, healing, deliverance, wholeness, and provision. Not only do we take possession of these blessings, but we can actually begin to walk in these things and thus walk like sons of God upon this earth.

We are living in the Jubilee, and we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. Hallelujah!

My friends, Jesus is risen and alive. Let us embrace the Word of God and be filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit. Walk with Jesus! Be full of faith! Preach the Gospel!

That is where our destiny is found, and that is where we see how our God makes all things new every day. It is not by the Gregorian calendar, but by our faith in the living and powerful Word of God!

Originally posted on Facebook by Pastor Christopher Alam


