As one of the Keys to the miracle-working power of God, the Word of God plays the following three roles in our lives:

1. LIVE in the Word.

2. PREACH the Word.

3. SPEAK, DECLARE the Word.


1. LIVE in the Word. If we want to live in the flow of the Power of God, we must live in the Word. The Word of God must be our primary source of spiritual sustenance, above all other things. It is by immersing ourselves in the Word through study, meditation and confessing the Word with our mouths, that our faith can grow and be strong. This is because the flow of the power of God in our lives will always correspond to our level of faith, which in turn will always correspond to the level of the Word in our lives.


The Bible clearly teaches us that “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Rom 10:17).


 The Word of God is the ONLY way for us to acquire faith in our hearts.

Keeping the Word of God in our hearts and in our mouths will also keep us pure. Purity is a very important factor in flowing in the miraculous, and the Word of God can keep us pure. “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee” (Psalm 119:11).

2. PREACH the Word. Most of the people who are healed through my ministry are healed because of their own faith. My task therefore is to give them the Word of God, because then can they have the faith to receive miracles from God.

If we want people to be healed, we must preach the Word. Preaching the Word has many benefits to those who sit under our ministry:


- Firstly, they will acquire faith to receive their miracles.

- Secondly, they will have the Word with which to resist the devil if he would ever try to put the disease back upon them.

-Thirdly, by giving them the Word we are equipping them for life, in the sense that long after we are gone, they will have the Word with which they can continue to receive miracles from God in their lives and in their families.

- Fourthly, when they see the power of the Word of God in their own lives, they will develop an enduring love for the Word, learning to depend upon the Word to be their strength, their life, and as their source of health.


For me, “Preaching the Word” with the goal of getting people healed, would mean preaching a “faith-building” Word. I know ministers who don’t know how to adequately preach or teach a strong faith-building message to get people healed in their meetings; but they are masters at teaching on subjects like “Why God doesn’t always heal the sick”.

If you are not getting people healed through your ministry, but you are good at preaching on such things, you need to take a second look at your understanding of “Preaching a faith-building Word” and make some drastic changes… I think it would suffice for me not to say any more about this!



“He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions” (Psalm 107:20).

Let me give an example of this: Many years ago, when I was preaching in Argentina. I opened my Bible and began to read Psalm 103: 2,3 to the crowd loudly, “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healeth all thy diseases”.

Suddenly the people began to shout and to scream. A woman with a severed spine who had been bound on a wheelchair for 16 years stood up on her own and began to walk. THAT is the power of the Word of God spoken and declared.

I have seen this happen countless times over the years and have seen God do the most incredible miracles when I have spoken and declared His Word.


Let us make the Word of God our vocabulary. Let the Word become a part of our DNA; then faith will become a part of our DNA, and miracles will be a part of our DNA.

We serve a miracle-working God, and His Word is Mighty. Jesus said, “The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life” (John 6:63). About Jesus, it is written, “Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power” (Heb 1:3).

The amazing thing is that this life-giving, creative, and miracle-working Word has now been given to us. We have the right and a Divine mandate to take this very same Word on our human lips and speak it out, declaring it with Power, and as we declare the Word of God, we shall see with our own eyes how God uses His Word to work powerful miracles in our own lives and in the lives of others …

Originally posted on Facebook by Pastor Christopher Alam


