Throughout my entire Christian life, I have always walked true to my convictions, but that does not mean that my convictions, beliefs, and teachings have always been correct.  

 Being brutally honest, the fact that God uses me in miraculous flows of the Holy Spirit is no proof that I have always been right. Miracles are not an endorsement of a man or that his ministry is 100% correct in everything. These mighty works of God only point to the fact that our God is good and full of grace, that His Gospel is true, and that He is merciful to us imperfect men who seek His Face.  

 What has helped me to grow in my knowledge of God and His ways is that I had decided at an early stage to always be teachable and willing to change. Whenever I have realized that I have been wrong, I have been quick to correct myself. Whenever I have failed, I have been quick to repent and make things right with God and with man.  

 My friends, none of us is perfect in ourselves or in our knowledge. Life is a long and slow process of growth as we learn from God's Word and His Holy Spirit. Let us be aware our own frailties and weaknesses and consequently be totally dependent upon our Lord Jesus. Let us be like clay in the Potter's hands as He does His work in our lives day by day, as long as we have breath.  

 Let us never lock ourselves into a place where we think that we have "arrived", that we are always right and are therefore above correction. This last trait leads to a lack of growth in the knowledge of God and in the anointing of His Holy Spirit. It is a symptom of pride, which God despises.  

 The Lord showed me that He uses not perfect men, but those whose hearts are in the right place, who walk humbly before Him and before men. God is looking at our hearts, so let us be those whose hearts are right, even if our knowledge is imperfect.   

 Let us also seek the fellowship and the company of others who have the same heart, and grow together with them, learning together with them in our walk of faith. Let us also honor and learn from those who have walked in faith before us and follow their example.  

 May we all walk in like manner and grow in the knowledge and the fellowship of our Lord Jesus, bearing much fruit for His Glory.  

Originally posted on Facebook by Pastor Christopher Alam  




November Newsletter and Annual Report