Today this is an upscale Italian restaurant called Il Forno. Back in 1980 this was the Kristna Bokstugan (Christian Book House) run by Daniel Nilsson, Pastor Sten Nilsson's son. Pastor Sten was a powerful man of God, a veteran missionary to India and disciple of E. Stanley Jones, who first brought Dad Hagin's teachings to Sweden.


This is where SESG (Swedish Inter-Varsity Fellowship) had its Uppsala headquarters. Pastor Ulf Ekman was the Lutheran priest-chaplain, and I was the evangelist under him. Ulf was Pastor Sten's son-in-law and was introduced to Dad Hagin's teachings by Pastor Sten.

 We had powerful weekly meetings at the Swedish Lutheran Church (Kyrkans Hus) nearby, where God moved mightily. From here we went to study at RHEMA in Tulsa. We were the first European students at RHEMA.

 One can say that this little Christian bookshop and cafe was the place where the first seeds were sown of what later grew to become Livets Ord or Word of Life Sweden. I was one of the pioneers.

 Amongst those who were there in our fellowship those days, Anders Grip and Thommy Hallin, are Lutheran pastors today. Björn Holmgren is on staff at a Pentecostal Church, Per-Olof Hermansson runs a computer company, and Urban Karlsson is one of the pastors at Word of Life. Ulf Ekman was the senior pastor of Livets Ord, but converted to Roman Catholicism, and I am still travelling and preaching the Gospel.

 It is good to remember our roots, where we came from, and then to be thankful to the Lord for what He has done in our lives. I am thankful for where He has brought Britta and me today. I am now an Assemblies of God minister, and the Lord has blessed us wonderfully. Over 43 years later I still like to visit this place in Uppsala and remember those pioneering SESG days with much gratitude. I have so many precious memories tied to this place.

Originally posted on Facebook by Pastor Christopher Alam


August Newsletter


Healing and miracles are an integral part of the Gospel.